Git: Working with Remotes

$ git remote

PartA. Add A Remote Repository

1. Create A Simple Project

  1. Create a Project directory

  2. git init to turn it into a Git repository

  3. Create a file

  4. Create other files

2. Hosting on GitHub

Creat the repo on GitHub

3. Manage the Repository: git remote

$ git remote
  • It’s possible to have links to multiple different remote repositories.
  • A shortname is the name that’s used to refer to a remote repository’s location. Typically the location is a URL, but it could be a file path on the same computer.
  • git remote add is used to add a connection to a new remote repository.
  • git remote -v is used to see the details about a connection to a remote.

PartB. Push Changes To A Remote

1. Check the commits

$ git log --oneline --graph --all

2. Push the commits

$ git push <remote-shortname> <branch>

# EX:
$ git push origin master

PartC: Pulling Changes From A Remote

$ git pull origin master

When git pull is run, the following things happen:

  • the commit(s) on the remote branch are copied to the local repository
  • the local tracking branch (origin/master) is moved to point to the most recent commit
  • the local tracking branch (origin/master) is merged into the local branch (master)

PartD: Pull vs Fetch

$ git fetch origin master

fetch the changes, but not merge them